Saturday, December 25, 2010

(No Title)

(Unknown), Haring, Dali, Scharf, Picasso, Warhol, and Bansky.
No widgets to generate readers, no groups to build electronic friends to take the place of real ones, no adverts to make a few pennies - but I've learned more from the conversations with those who comment here and at the sites of other bloggers than I ever learned at school.
(Maybe the Internet is good for something besides porn and entertainment sites.)
Merry Christmas to all...


  1. Whaddaya mean "no groups to build electronic friends to take the place of real ones"

    I think E friends can sometimes be realer and more meaningful than the "in the flesh ones!" After all it's the minds that are communicating between E friends, and what's more powerful than the mind? ;) that's my two cents anyway..

    Merry Christmas UBJ!

  2. @ DS - I don't have hundreds or thousounds of readers.
    The people that stop by here get to know something about the others.
    It's more personal not an assembly line.
    Merry Christmas to you as well.

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my brother!!!

  4. Fit'na saddle up and head for the panaderia for some stoopid holiday indulgence. (not this one in Olathe, I just used it for Meesha's excellent photographs - but my favorite El Paso del Norte up on Independence Ave. and within a stone's throw of the SuperFlea - so my chirrens can stretch their Christmas grip a loooooooong way.)

    Belated Merry Christmas Uncle John.
