Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yeah, yeah...
Fox News and other conservative social commentators were quick to jump on the (imagined) story of an NAACP official being racist.
What else is new?

As bad as white apologists are when they go out of their way to prove how 'fair' they are by being too lenient when it comes to unjust issues involving race - Obama's reaction to this recent story is even worse.
Obama was supposed to have been different.
Obama's perspective was supposed to have more balanced.
Obama was supposed to understand that most issues concerning race were more often more complex than just Black and white.
Obama was supposed to base his decisions on a measured account of the facts and their context - not just to respond in a knee jerk manner as not to appear to favor Blacks.

Was a post-racial America too much to ask with the election of Obama?
Probably so.
But the hope was for a diverse Obama administration to treat every instance from the perspective of well rounded individuals - not from the perspective of "white=good", "Black=bad".
(Or the even more harmful overreaction of being unjust in the hopes of appearing just.)


  1. I was sincerely disappointed in the O-man for his knee jerk reaction to freaking FOX Noise, and for the political shuffling that he and his administration did afterwards when it turned out that (big surprise) the tape was doctored.

    It's not so much the attempt at trying to appear fair and balanced when it comes to racism (especial in the face of claims of reverse racism), it is the lack of due diligence, due process, and due respect. They dude seems to be careful and thoughtful about everything, but then pulls this BS move. I just don't get it.

    It's got to be the people he surrounds himself with (this misstep was too Clintonesque for my tastes).

  2. Yeah...
    Tho O-Man seems to have over reacted in much the same way as do many Black police officers in that in an attempt to appear to be 'fair' many treat other Blacks more harshly than do even white officers.

  3. Call me when Shirley Sherrod gets a beer summit.
