Tuesday, July 20, 2010


How does a stable family man who was raised by a single mother,
has graduated from Columbia University and Harvard,
won a Grammy and a Nobel prize,
who is young, articulate and even somewhat athletic become...


Or this?
Or this?
Or this? (Even though he is half-Black and half-white and raised in Asian influenced environments: Hawaii and Indonesia.)
And eventually this?
Isn't Barack Obama the realization of the American Dream?
Are those who so vigorously oppose Obama really disappointed with his policies and actions (I'm no fan of many of his actions - but if Ike had problems with the early stages of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex so would anyone else with the fully evolved being) - or are they really disappointed because it is not they who have overcome all that society has stacked against them?
Are they really mad because he has done what they only wish they could do?
I guess when all else fails, it's time to turn someone who represents all that was promised in America into some type of "Alien" or "Other".


  1. anonymous mad at you for puttin them asian yoots out on front street....,

  2. I think all that Chinese translates to:
    Its easy to see how Obama got slandered. He won an election as a democrat. This means he is an opponent to the party that is not afraid to pander to racist white folk. That simple.
    Racists come on both sides of the isle but one side is afraid of looking racist, the other assumes you already think they are so feel free to act a fool to further the cause.

    it says that, or maybe something about Viagra.

  3. Obama is the realization for the lie they kept pumping down everyone's throats that the country isn't racist. But for the white majority this isn't the American Dream he is actually the nightmare of letting people they think lesser of actually run the country.

    I don't know why everyone is surprised but maybe those who think people don't think that way are finally shocked to see it manifest. Just because people don't say they like you doesn't mean they aren't thinking it. Here's proof of what they are thinking. But, I'm sure for the kumbaya folk this still isn't enough.

    He's the villian not because the economy is going bad as they didn't hate this much when Bush was doing it. The hate is couched in these BS arguments because they don't want to come right out and say it. One day we'll tell the truth and we can move forward but until then it'll be a lot of social crap.

    In white hands they can deal with the shit but in Black hands they find a way to pretty much say we don't believe you can handle it. There's nothing more to look for in it than that!

  4. Obama could have written the executive order that funded the research that led to the cure for cancer and folks would be like, "He's just trying to make us live longer so that he can raise our taxes!" He's black folks...he's black.

    The American Dream wasn't supposed to be for him, because (despite his white mother) he's black. His impressive credentials and campaigning style be damned, Obama should not be the leader of the free world! Why? 'Cause he's black, folks...he's black.

    It truly is as simple as that.

  5. C'mon John, this is the America that I know.
