Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Many people would love to eat a nice porterhouse steak - but few would like to see the cow being butchered.
This is the problem the government has with it's alleged "War on Terror".

Most people are in favor of a safe and secure America - but few like to see how that goal is being met.
Most people are in favor of safer schools, streets and neighborhoods - but few would like to see cops killing the innocent in it's efforts to catch the guilty.
Just Google "Cops Kill" and one will notice lists of police officers who have overstepped their bounds.

Am I in favor of a safe and secure America?
But not at the expense of creating new enemies to fight.
Am I in favor of safer streets?
Yep, that too.
But not at the expense of creating another generation of future felons left fatherless by an unjust and oppressive system.


  1. But not at the expense of creating another generation of future felons left fatherless by an unjust and oppressive system.

    If you eliminated every cop off the street tomorrow, would there still be a future generation of fatherless felons? Of course there would be.

  2. I'm not saying that we should eliminate the police - only the overly agressive policies which cause many to push the "Stop Snitchin" ideology favored by some.

    Local police have problems catching criminals because many citizens don't trust our largely unjust system.
    Financial rewards don't work in Iraq, Pakistan, or Afghanistan because the people don't trust the American military to do what is just.
