Monday, July 12, 2010

Throughout History

The elongated head imagery seems to have been the status symbol for those who wished to project the image of power, affluence or superiority throughout history.
When this longer head was not possible - many resorted to head wear or hairstyles to imitate the look often seen on our current models of aliens.
(HT - SeeNew & doll)


  1. You know, I never truly considered that perhaps the purpose for hairstyles like buns or beehives would be to give off the illusion of an elongated head. Not that I believe we are trying to copy aliens, but it is interesting that perhaps we have correlate that (some cultures implicitly while other cultures explicitly) status or beauty.

  2. I remember taking a sociology class as an undergrad and having our professor point this out.

    I remember thinking then, like I think now that I'd always prefer a little head to a long head.

    By the way, I love that pun just as much now as I did then.

  3. where did that Halle picture come from, B.A.P.S.?

  4. The hair piece on Halle Berry looks just like my sons hair when it hasn't been washed for weeks (he is 16).

  5. That is one heck of an insight there...amazing. WOW. Thank you for posting that.


  6. it is real ancient..we found elongated head bronze sheild in sidon too. search badranghosn to see.
