Monday, July 19, 2010

Angels and Demons

Even before the story of Cain and Abel - there were stories of light skin being good while darker skin or marks were seen as being a curse.
Some religions (and by extension - governments.) have used this school of thought as their reasoning for oppressing other racial and ethnic groups.
Most accounts of Eve portray her as lily white and pure.
While accounts of Adam's original wife, Lilith (Lilitu), portray her as ethnic, rebellious and animal-like.
It's odd that stories warn Little Red Riding Hood of the dark beastly wolf.
Even though Lilith is said to have been the first vampire - most modern vampires are portrayed as more urbane than urban.
More European than ethnic.
More human than beastly.
Even in the popular Twilight series - the vampire is white while the werewolf is more ethnic.
Werewolves are often portrayed as uncontrollable beasts.
Angels are often portrayed as being attractive and sylphic.
Even in today's pop-culture,
"Angels' are seen as being the most attractive of those who fit within a certain set of parameters.

But wasn't Lucifer himself (Or herself) described as being one of the most beautiful angels in all of Heaven?

When did "evil" become associated with being Black?


  1. People make other people "less than" in order to make themselves look greater.

  2. Yeah...
    But it seems that after "others" have something of value and are able to protect it that they then become "equal".
    It's not as though Europe is one homogenous group who shares the same language, traditions and histories.
    As each culture became weakened by a more powerful enemy it made sense for these groups to begin to identify as one.
    Just look at America's history;
    Italians, the Irish, Russians, Polish, Jews, Catholics, Mormons, etc. each had to be assimilated into a weakened reigning culture to assure the survival of the ruling culture.

  3. @UBJ

    The beast is going to absorb the Latinos as well (at least the fairer skinned ones).

  4. Of course, black is bad because that's how the white man wrote it.

    But don't fret my friend, I've been lightskinned and evil for years.....not a big deal.
