Saturday, July 3, 2010

Don't Count Your Tips

And David sinned against God in issuing a census.
Why is it bad to count that which one may have?
I don't know - maybe it's because it causes one to focus on past accomplishments instead of the tasks at hand.

This week we received rain from the season's first hurricane.
Storms can be both a good and a bad thing for a night club.
As many of our female patrons may have just had their hair 'did' - most elected to stay home.
With more staff on hand than patrons, Wednesday night was particularly bad.

"We're not making any tips", was the most common lamentation from the staff.
Upon hearing these complaints, I told the staff to have a seat at the bar and that I would buy them each two drinks.
As the kitchen closed early, I asked the few remaining patrons if anyone was hungry.
A few responded that a snack would have been nice so I called Domino's and ordered a few pizzas.
After hearing this, I informed the bar that they would have to wait 30-45 minutes for the pizzas to be delivered.
Everyone ordered at least one more drink while the time passed.

When the pies were finally delivered, each patron ordered at least one more drink.
As the patrons were becoming now full and a bit drunk, fives, tens and twenties began to fill the tip jars around the bar.
"How can you afford to buy pizza for the bar?", an amazed bartender asked.
"How can you afford not to?", I replied while motioning towards the now full tip jars.


  1. hacking root on these humans....,

  2. I tried on a pair of those shoes last week. Wow they are silly...even though they were heavily discounted I just couldn't buy them.

  3. The old Bait and Switch huh UBJ? Give people something for free and watch them pay for the service.

    When I was in NY they gave us these unlimited drinking bans. The bans cost 20 bucks and everyone was happy it was open bar. Now most people probably drank 3 drinks and they felt the need to tip the bartender. So in the end the bar came out ahead and tips. It's a lovely hustle.

  4. Perception is everything. Most of us have one way of doing things and just drift along.
    You have a keen understanding of how humans work and are obviously more engaged in your task at hand than the staff were.

  5. Some men fail to think clearly; while others grasp the moment and reap the benefits.

    Well done
