Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bar Rx

Most people see themselves as employees and not as professionals who sell their skills, knowledge or talents to those for whom they may choose to do work.
This is often a problem for people who work at bars and those who do construction (Well, really... most professions.).
Most people work for a pay check and have little or no concern for the quality of their work.
But this thinking limits the opportunities for advancement.
This thinking hinders ones ability to solve problems and promotes a mindset of only being able to follow orders.
This way of thinking hinders innovation and originality and dooms employees to a lifetime of subjugation.
Maybe this philosophy is encouraged for those who lack a liberal occidental education and who are groomed to become the proles.


  1. The philosophy is also encouraged to make sure people are accepting of direction. The more educated the person the less they want to be led but instead want to lead.

    The industrial revolution is over and now the technological revolution calls for highly trained individuals. It's just a ton of people are caught up in the transition.

    The future is one of empowerment but a generation who bet on those old school jobs have to be dealt with or they will cause a revolution of some sort.

  2. yeah, maybe...
    But I, with all my education (institutional and otherwise), have been just the person you describe; working for a check, simply doing what you are told, etc.
    Because I was doing a job I did not want to do, or did not enjoy. I worked for a check, doing only as told because I was saving my energy and mental capital for my after work activities that I did enjoy.

    How many of us have simply lobbed ourselves into a profession or life that is siomply unfulfilling or unenjoyable? How many of us lack the bravery to attempt to break out of such a rut?

    (I didn't break out till the economy gave me my walking papers)

  3. Here's an interesting little DIY site you might like.

  4. Everyone is imagining the American dream while they work at these jobs they hate. So they figure they're not going to be there for long so why bother. Also they know that the business they work for likely doesn't give a hoot about them.
