Monday, June 7, 2010

Mother Earth Has Gas

What's up with all this gas related destruction?

You know the feeling.
Not to make light of the recent earthquakes - but the BG's are usually proceeded by a rumbling in ones bowels.

Followed by a gaseous explosion like the one experienced on a pipeline near Dallas today.

Isn't it thought that gas was also the culprit in the recent Massey Coal Mine disaster?

And now we have a brownish discharge accompanied by a foul stench emanating from deep below the Gulf. (A story which KIT has been killing 'em on of late.)

Even pristine Iceland seems to have joined into the Fart Game.
I know, I know...
These are not joking matters.
But really.
What is up with Earth's recent Irritable Bowel Syndrome?


  1. Our planets ability to sustain life is thanks to the ball of gas we orbit.

  2. What a pleasant surprise to see my name! Yeah, never have I done so many back to back posts on one topic, it's that bad.
