Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jihad Jane - What's Up With Texas ?

Colleen R. LaRose - "La Rose lived in several Texas towns, including San Angelo and Corpus Christi, before moving to the Philadelphia area in 2004." Wikipedia


  1. I don't know but you have some people with some strong beliefs in that area. I wonder will they call her a terrorist or since she is white she is just misguided or maybe brainwashed by Islam.

  2. I had an inexplicable Randy Jackson moment when this nonsense came on my screen yesterday. You know when he shakes his head and says,"Yo-dawg, not good dawg, sorry dawg, I mean, it just wasn't good."

    Perhaps because it was just so bizarre, but for some reason I was just annoyed. The reaction was akin to what I feel when I see a black man at an African-American festival in African garb, holding hands with a blonde with dreads and a Malcolm X t-shirt.

  3. Hey Texas, we have enough crack-pots of our own, we don't need yours,
