Wednesday, March 10, 2010


If Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Warren Buffet all moved to Allen, South Dakota - the average income in the poorest city in America would jump to $75,875,600.
But the city would still be poor - only a select few would actually have any wealth.
Isn't this what our government is doing with it's quick fixes of our current banking system?

1 comment:

  1. The government is hoping the majority of people get back to their lives where they feel they can put their money in the stockmarket. C'mon let's face it people are mad that their gamble lost and just like sore losers they wonder why the guys at the top keep their money.

    It's not a fix at all it's just a Con that most don't understand. So once the CON is implemented and things look normal the same cats with money will still have it. It doesn't pay to not play this game.

    Only two ways out. 1) Own everything outright and live below your means 2) Get in the game and make sure you aren't amongst the losers when this ish happens again.
