Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are Some Born Gay?


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  2. LOL I'm not a Bible scholar but I don't remember that. You sure this ain't the Gay Rights Bible? I mean people have been manipulating that book from the get go.

  3. This excellent phrase is necessary just by the way

  4. There's certainly a much better argument for people being born gay, as opposed to saying its a lifestyle choice.

  5. @ Anon 5:37 - I know.
    Chimerism, Hermaphrodites, Intersex, whatever - there is definitely scientific evidence of some being born with different sexual traits.
    I just thought it odd that those who use the Bible to condemn others are those who say that being gay is a choice.

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  8. No bible in my house but I'd love to check that particular verse. Might have to see if they have one in the library.

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  12. I don't know about any biblical justification. I personally think it's ludicrous to rely literally on a man written, church manipulated and subjectively assembled document.

    I just think that the realities of the real world give the best evidence for whether gay is natural or a lifestyle choice. If you are a heterosexual male, you already know that you could not simply CHOOSE to lay with another man. The idea is simply repulsive. I use to almost get queasy watching some scenes from HBO's Six Feet Under when they had some gay love sex scenes. Therefore, any man who finds the idea of having sex with another man almost certainly must have this attraction naturally. I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I could not fake the funk on this issue and pretend to like being with another man as a lifestyle choice.

  13. The verses referenced in that picture refer to eunuchs, not homosexuals, unless those at are saying (erroneously) that the two terms are interchangeable.

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  15. @ NoFace - I would say that the Bible recognizes that some are born different - but other scriptures in the same book say that taking action on those desires is an abomination.

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  19. @UBJ ...born different physically or make themselves physically, or are made different physically by other men. I'm not entirely convinced that being born different (at least in the chapter and verses provided) extends to one's sexual orientation.
