Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Do You Care?

When a Black man does this...
Many Blacks think they are being viewed as doing this.


  1. Because to most Black folks it seems like a dumb man's job. We don't really like to be of service to whitey in any way and when we choose a job that is full service we don't like the way we are perceived.

    We have a lot of mental issues to get over but it's from a past generation who believed the best way for us is to prove that we are equal to the task. So it created it's own monster of thinking anything that is dirty or of service to others is somehow beneath us.

  2. Yeah, but dumb people think that work is a dumb man's job.
    How many "professionals" are out of work still trying to confrom to a failed economic model - while those who can create and produce are turning down offers at higher wages?
