Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Do You Care?

When a Black person does this...
Many Blacks think they are being viewed as doing this.


  1. That's easy because we are not comfortable with ourselves. The racist media of the past is embedded in our brains like the Chinese and the Mexicans being thought of a certain way. Instead of turning inward and being confident despite the onslaught we decided to abstain from things we like if they may look a certain way in front of whitey.

    This was also reinforced by the older generation by admonishing our kids to not act a certain way in front of whitey. So as a result we hide our natural selves to be approved by another group.

    The good thing is this next generation straight up doesn't give a F*ck. So when the older generation dies from trying to prove things to folks that don't matter we'll have another problem on hand but it'll be better than hiding and not feeling comfortable in our own skin.

  2. lol..,

    with "take it easy greasy sharpton" sitting there, how else CAN it be interpreted?

  3. @ FreeMan - Many are trying too hard to be liked.
    But the trick is to do what you do and to make people come to you instead.
    When this becomes the situation, you have the power to determine who you wish to deal with and who you wish to dismiss.
    Until we are comfortable with ourselves being ourselves - we will always be the wall flower wishing to be with the "Cool Kids" on the dance floor.
    (Instead of teaching the "Cool Kids" how to REALLY dance.)

    @ SeeNew - But I LIKE an occasional bucket of fried chicken.

  4. me too UBJ..,

    {actually, make mine a slab of ribs}

    ain't no shame in the grub, just in the quality of the company being kept in that photo.
