Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Are Black Women Single ?

The adult (after it's final molting) May Fly is said to live for as little as one day.
If the goal of each species is to reproduce - what point is there to marriage for such a short period of time?
If the rate of survival is this limited - wouldn't it make more sense to just impregnate as many hosts as possible?

1 comment:

  1. Marriage breeds stability and expectations. It's also good business because you will buy ish that you never really wanted. You will purchase a house instead of your bachelor pad. You will get a station wagon instead of the Porsche 2 seater. You will eat at the trough with the rest of the value eaters because they have kids. You will go to events that are utter bullish because you want to be a good parent. You buy diamonds because people will love them not because they actually mean anything.

    Sorry I was on ONE! It's just creates a instability for the country and that's why it's encouraged. You can see the effects right now on our population. Now imagine if you didn't keep those kind of controls on the rest of the population.
