Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Are Black Women Single ?

With Blacks making up only 15% of the total US population,
and about half of these being men,
and 11% of these in penal institutions -
What percentage of marriage aged Black men are even deemed worth marrying?


  1. There's more than enough to go around but they don't want to fight for them. They are caught up in getting chose instead of going out there and choosing.

  2. A reversal of traditional roles where the desirable men are now the timid flirts?

    Since the men who are marriage material seem fewer and fewer - maybe these men have taken on the role of the trophy wives of the past.

  3. I think you could be onto something because most realize that they are a catch. No babies, good job and no drama.

    So maybe women do not like the role of men wanting to get their way and seeing their wives as being lucky they are even around.

    Could be hmmmm!

  4. Since the men who are marriage material seem fewer and fewer - maybe these men have taken on the role of the trophy wives of the past.

    I think you are on to something. Since good black men are seen as scarce, there worth has gone up. They can demand more from a potential mate then they might otherwise have been able to get under normal circumstances.
