Monday, November 23, 2009

Chicken Or The Egg

Are you bitter because you're single,
are you single because you're bitter?


  1. Who knows where it started because it all looks the same to me!

  2. It is hard to keep bitterness at bay when biology has conspired to reduce the numbers of available men just at the time of life when women become very frisky and sexual demanding. As women we have to learn to share or do without.

  3. It had to have started with being single unless you had a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/baby's mama/baby's daddy from the womb (which is not likely). The bitterness creeps in when one notices that after certain amount of years (which varies depending on the person), one is Still single with no prospective significant other in sight.

    Of course, the kind of bait one uses for her tackle could have a lot to do with both being single and bitter.
