Friday, September 18, 2009

Would It Matter ?

It seems that some people get mad whenever they see an inter-racial couple.
But what are they really mad at?
Is it that "White (Asian, Hispanic, other) girls are taking all the good brotha's"?
Or is it only that all the good brotha's seem to settle for a less than attractive white girl?
If Drake went all Nick Cannon and dated an older Rosie O'Donnell - who would be mad at Rosie (besides her wife)?
But everyone would be mad at DeGrassi.

Brad could probably get away with dating Monique.
And many Black women could deal with Monique putting it on Brad.
But white women would be vexed. (And white men confused.)

But Let Flava Flav put his hands on Gossip Girls' Blake Lively and we'd have an Emmit Till style lynching.
Screech has the Afro, but what if he pulled Keri Hilson?
White guys could see the attraction, white women would be happy to let him go, brotha's would be a bit hostile and sista's would be confused.
Most brotha's can see what Ice-T sees in Coco.
Most Black women don't see the attraction.
But unless women are working with what Coco's got goin' on - how do they expect to distract a brotha from the bootie?
My question;
Is it really about race or is it more about seeing one person settling for less because the other person is from another race?


  1. When it comes to Black & White there is more there because of the history between the two. Now no one wants to say that because it's not PG to call someone a sell out. It's not PG to actually have some sort of racial pride. It's not PG because to let someone's history influence their present is ignorant or is it?

    Really I lump it into people caring. Now follow me on this one. If they didn't care no one would make a noise. Do you smirk when you see a German with a Vietnamese? So there is a sense of racial solidarity that is being crossed but it's not PG to say it.

  2. Really, the only grief on the street I get is from black men. Dude, I'm standing right here. I know that you don't think steppin to her right in front of me will actually score with the girl, so you must obviously be trying to piss me off.
    Yeah, you are a real big dude showing off to your friends that you are man enough to dissrespect the "man" and his sellout wife.

    The funny times are when the guy doesn't even realize we are together and then about wets his pants once he puts two and two together.
    I'm not gonna hurt anybody... my wife has crossover appeal, I realize that.

  3. IR dating, hey if you can stomach it go ahead. Who cares what a stranger thinks of your relationship or who you choose to sleep with, it is your business.

    That being said as I have stated here before IR is not for me and if any of my children bring home someone of a different race they just may get disowned.

  4. @ FreeMan - The German's family would probably be upset that their son (or daughter) is settling for an Asian partner.
    And many Asians families would feel the same.

    But just like any other race - their are some Asian families who think that getting married to a white person is a step up.
    And getting married to a Black person would be taboo for most.

    The same could be said of Mexicans who marry Blacks - some families work with it, some families disown their children.

    @ brohammas - That's the point. Most people only have a problem if they feel that something was taken from THEM.

    @ Marcus - That's what happened to each of my parents from their respective families.
    (Although my mom's Mexican/Native American family dealt with it fairly early in the marriage.)

    My dad's mother didn't get along with my mom until a few years before she (my grandmother) died.

  5. I think that it's odd when you see two people that don't "match". And by match, I mean when you see a really attractive black guy with a super unattractive white girl or vice versa. I think that when people look like they belong together, then there is less anomosity.

    But lets be real.... we're all "mixed" with something. As for Marcus... I'm calling BullShit on that one. He says it, but he doesn't mean it. Let one of his kids bring home someone who makes his son or daughter happy, someone who makes them a better person. He will be fine with it. And if he isn't, well then that's his loss. You are supposed to love your kids unconditionally and there are plenty of worse things your kids could do than marry someone of a different race. Get over it already.

  6. See my belief is IR marriage is one of the worse things to have ever happened to black identity and the ability for blacks to unify earlier last century and today.

    Sorta like the fight for integration severly damaged, hell basically destroyed black businesses (among other issues).

    In my view when one marries a white person both of them are now white. Honestly how many blacks would have voted for Obama if Michelle was white?

    Blacks have one major disadvantage that other ethnic groups do not, we do not have our own language which would act as a buffer to keep the whites away and help maintain our ability to be unified.

    We have no buffer therefore we will never be unified and we will not be able to effectively take what we want from this country and be self sufficient.

    I believe in living my life in a fashion that helps the black community not hurt it.

    IR marriages do nothing to help the black community all they really do is help maintain the illusion white superiority.

    Honestly the history of white people is pretty vile and disgusting, yet folks of all races overlook that in order to procreate with them, look like them and live like them.

    It is truely amazing.

  7. “Is it really about race or is it more about seeing one person settling for less because the other person is from another race?”

    I really believe that it involves the former and the latter, but more so the latter. To some (or maybe, many) dating outside of your "race" is like a knife in the back. To date someone outside of your race who (all things being equal) not even in your league is just that added twist of the blade.

    It's like we gain our collective worth from the relationship choices made by those that we feel are the best of our "kind". For instance if Denzel Washington married a white woman who (aesthetically) is but a small step up from dirt, many black women will collectively feel that Denzel rejected them (making them less than dirt). This of course is but one of the issues that come with IR relationship, but I feel it’s one of the bigger issues.
