Thursday, September 17, 2009

Black Gold In The Hood

I just heard a news story which stated that PXP out of Houston, Texas believes that the oil levels in South Central Los Angeles are rising.
No, not to the highs of the 1920's - but to a level that makes more drilling a viable option.
Maybe it's just seepage from other untapped sources - or is the Earth in a constant state of creating petroleum?


  1. Just great, more environmental racism.

  2. @ SeeNew - I don't think Peak Oil is a myth. I was just using this post as a place holder to remind me to look at the information that says that it is.

    IMO - The rising level of oil in spent sites is like when one uses all of the Dawn. If the dish soap on the bottom of the bottle was measured right after it was used - the soap level would be low. But wait a few minutes and the level will appear to rise. (But there is NOT any new soap.)

    Even crackheads using a push-pipe know this.
    They push and push until they capture enough residue to get that last weak hit.

    @ Rippa - I just hope the homeowners have the oil and mineral rights on their deeds.

  3. Oh they'll find a way to get them off the land. They're not gonna be as lucky as Jed Clampitt on this one.

  4. They already have oil pumps there and nothing is built on the land. So in the middle of upper class Black LA there is a bald spot where no one is allowed to build but the oil hammers are pumping.

    Another area is Signal Hill which is near Long Beach. Also, we have some pumping in the middle of Compton. So it isn't a new thing as they have been there since I was born it's just a new thing reported because of the current oil issues in the world!

  5. @ FreeMan - Yeah... There are "dinosaurs" all over So.Cal..

    I just noticed a bunch of Haliburton trucks all around the town in which I stay. There are a lot of companies re-leasing the oil rights to people's property all over town. (But they are not drilling)
    It just seems as though some companies are trying to corner the market without the general public finding out.
    When I Googled "New Exploration for American Oil" - the South Central story caught my eye.
