Monday, August 31, 2009


Much of what is considered to be "Black culture" is really just the residual effects of having to settle for the scraps during more difficult times.
Of having to make due with what others have thrown away.
While a desirable trait in a state of emergency or when resources are limited - it can also retard one's progress towards gaining that which they really desire.
If we are willing to settle for the chitterlings, hog mauls and head cheese - we shouldn't be upset that others are enjoying a juicy porterhouse or rib-eye.

Many of the wounds suffered by those complaining of social injustices are self-inflicted.
Most of the problems were caused by poor personal choices and/or by the negative (or shortsighted) influences of those who surround any given individual.
But putting the causes aside - "who" and "how" do we help fix the shortcomings of our learned culture?

Maybe we need to just let some of the victims die.
Maybe we need to do some sort of triage for the hood.
Since resources are finite, maybe we should let a few die to save the many.
Maybe we need to use the medical model;

Levels of triage;
-Likely to live -regardless of care given.
-Likely to die - regardless of care given.
-Those for whom appropriate and timely care will have a positive impact on their outcome.

Maybe it's a harsh way to think about it, but maybe some people just cannot be saved from themselves and any attempt in doing so will only lower the possibility of a better outcome for the others.
Maybe we should focus on those most likely to survive.


  1. I'm all for the triage as I believe the kids have to be the total focus. If it's learned then we can teach something new and totally eradicate the problem in a matter of 30 years.

    Now of course you have to take care of the dummies but they will eventually become less and less a problem.

    Now you sound like me bcuz harsh tactics have to be taken to get the change we really want. Those who believe inspiration will change things will die with the dummies while everyone who concentrates on the ones who can be shaped will be proven right in the long run.

  2. I always believed that anyone can be better than their present circumstance.

    I thought that I was being too tough on people - but those people produced.
    When given an easier way, people will take it (even if it leads to a long term loss).

    But after trying the compassion approach - I'm more convinced that tough love is the way to go.
