Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Most Hated Women In The World

After reading reports of Madonna being booed in Europe after her defence of Gypsies, and then looking into gingerism on the advice of Anon - I'm confused.
Who are the most mistreated women in the world today?
Is it the Mongols in Asia?

Or is it Black women the world over? (Well, maybe not in Africa.)

Maybe it's red-headed women.
It seems that even if racism disappeared tomorrow - we'd still find a reason to hate one another.


  1. Everyone wants to be the victim and as such someone will step up and victimize them. Really it's just hard to accomodate everyone so you end up pointing out differences and making people feel alienated.

    It's Saved By the Bell all over the place again.

  2. SO did I understand correctly that FreeMan just nominated Screech as the world most misstreated woman?

  3. @Brohammas - NOPE, just using SBB as an example of the differences that so called naturally come up. Screech was just trying to be down but there was a whole school of people (fictional) who didn't care what that group was doing.

  4. It's just odd that people will always find a way or reason to attempt to hold others down.

    The worst part is that special interest groups benefit from even the slightest forms of discrimination without making any real impact on making the situation any better for those which they were set up to help.

  5. Gingerism is a regional prejudice specific to England. I pointed it out to show that prejudice exists for this hair color but it is unique to that region of Europe. Stunning red heads, however, in America (and Australia for that matter) are seen as birds of paradise, especially if they are freckle free.

    I would agree that the Romani, unfortunately are seen as the scum of Europe. They have some of the same stereotypes that are accorded Blacks and they are seen as perpetual outsiders especially in depressed countries like Romania and Albania. I do think that Black women unless she is stunningly gorgeous and has a Mensa IQ; she is not given the benefit of the doubt like the other races. And although beauty is subjective and everyone has their own individual tastes, Black women usually have more to prove. I don't see that as being a victim--its just being realistic, especially when you have images that continue to remind you of your position in the hierarchy.

  6. @ Anon - If any woman is too beautiful or smart they'll be treated badly too (only out of resentment by others less inclined).

    But yeah... what you say is true.
    I just thought it interesting that gingerism existed at all and wainted to point out the foolishness of most criteria used to discriminate.

  7. Never heard that Mongolian women were mistreated in Asia?! The opposite, I thought. They had a reputation of being stunning (as they possess some Russian features - I was told). I lived many years in Asia and occasionally (since they're not numerous) saw girls from Mongolia in HK and Singapore. Beautiful they were, as in this photo :D
