Saturday, August 1, 2009

Leviticus 18:23

Leviticus 18:23 - "...Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith; neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto; it is confusion..."

Somehow, I doubt that the above painting was sanctioned by the Vatican - but even Michelangelo painted scenes of Bestiality.
The recent case of Rodell Vereen really doesn't need a Bible verse to persuade anyone of it's lunacy.
Sometimes - wrong is just wrong.

But apparently, some men have had fantasies of the equine variety for centuries.

This Asian wood-cutting of The Fisherman's Wife would suggest that the problem wasn't limited to men.
Apparently, sometimes it's the horse that is doing the screwing. (Not to be confused with the "Donkey Show" down in Tijuana.)

But sometimes these images are taught to us from our earliest childhood stories.
Little Red Riding Hood seems pensive... but she's not entirely dismissive of the wolf's advancements?

Beauty and the Beast is another possible example of bestiality.

And the same could be said of The Little Mermaid.

Video games have taken the issue to a similar scale as that of Greek mythologies.
These characters from Final Fantasy could sit next to The Minotaur or Pan in human mythologies.

For more background;
Who knew there was so much out there on the topic?


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