Thursday, April 9, 2009

A "Miracle" Is A Miracle

The word "Miracle" gets thrown around so loosely these days that the word has lost some of it's intended meaning.
From Miracle Grow to the Miracle on Ice,

To Spike Lee's Miracle At St. Anna - would any of these be accurately accepted as being true miracles?
Miracles are naturally occurring phenomena that happen at just the right time (kind of "perfect-storm of fortunate events). A disaster is just the opposite (in results and welcome-ness).
At this time of year, many sites are filled with scientific information intended to dis sway a believer's belief.
But the fact that events have scientific explanations doesn't take away from their miraculous (to the person experiencing the event) outcome.


  1. This made me think of the book, "Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief." It's a great science-driven book that asks the question - does a scientific explanation necessarily preclude the existence of God?

    It's a great read, basically suggesting that our brains are wired to have "transcendent" experiences given certain circumstances - and that that could just as easily imply that that's God's "bat-phone" (a physical, direct-line) to our brains, as opposed to those experiences not being "real." Because, if it's really all about faith, wouldn't the point be that we CAN explain a miracle scientifically, without being able to explain the timing or subsequent consequences?

    Check out the book if you get a chance.

  2. @ CVT - Thanks, I'll order tonight.

  3. Amen to that! Do you think that just possibly we need to stop trying to explain the Will of God?
