Thursday, April 9, 2009

Are White Republican's More Liberal ?

California is generally considered to be a "Blue State" (with a Republican governor) - but the majority of citizens voted to end the endorsement of gay marriage (Prop. 8)
Now, let's go down the list;
Iowa - a mostly white "Heartland State" with a Democrat as governor endorses gay marriage.
Vermont - a mostly white state with a Republican governor supports gay marriage.
Connecticut - another mostly white state with a Republican governor supports gay marriage.
Massachusetts - a mostly white state with a Republican governor also endorses gay marriage.

Four states in all. Mostly white and mostly Republican.
Maybe this is why the fat man man who stakes his claim as the Republican leader (Rush Limbaugh) feels the need to change the name of dikes because it sounds too much like "dykes".


  1. I'm not sure that I agree with your argument. Deval Patrick from Massachusetts is black and Mass is usually considered to be a blue state. In fact all those states you mention except for Iowa with it's Democrat governor, are considered to be blue states.

  2. @ Curious - Oh, the whole post was just hyperbole. The problem with the written language is often it's inability to comunicate jest with words and no visual balance or signals.

    It was just interesting (to me) that a Liberal state like California would deny gays the right to vote while others would take the lead.

  3. What determines right (as in not wrong)here? The majority or those who shout the loudest?

  4. @ brohammas - Ding, ding, ding...
    A winner! That seems to be the $64k question.

  5. I got it! lol

    It does seem very odd that in a state where any and everything seems to be "a go" that Prop 8 would fail. I certainly don't understand it.
