Sunday, March 1, 2009


A commenter on another blog seems to answer every question with "Planned Obsolescence".
But he may be correct (more often than not).

We humans are the best example of the practice.
How long were Adam and Eve in the Garden before they partook of the forbidden fruit?
A week? A month? A year? A million years?
If time didn't exist (not just time that is broken by days and nights or hours and minutes - but continuing forever) - who knows?
Maybe they grew tired of the day-in/day-out perfection of the Garden.
Maybe they sensed (or were told of) something more.
Maybe they realized that even in a state of perfection - life without death and meaning becomes pointless.

Even though those in power (or in their comfort zones) seek to retain such power or comfort - a static being is not natural.
Even if the Universe (or Universes) repeat(s) it's (or their) cycles of beginning and end, and it's expansion and contraction (like a comic act of breathing) billions and billions of times in the same order every time... being static is not the natural state of being.
Everything is intended to ultimately fail or decompose.
Isn't decomposition the natural order that we are in a constant battle to defeat?

If so, are we any different than the Replicants, Pris and Roy Batty, in our quest to discover the answer to eternal life from the mouth of the Creator?
Maybe we (like all things created) are meant to fail.


  1. The garden is a mythopoetic recollection of the dawn of language-based self-awareness.

  2. Absolutely. Language IS the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

  3. Subjective conscious mind is an analog of what is called the real world. It is built up with a vocabulary or lexical field whose terms are all metaphors or analogs of behavior in the physical world. Its reality is of the same order as mathematics....

    Like mathematics, it is an operator rather than a thing or repository....If consciousness is this invention of an analog world even as the world of mathematics parallels the world of quantities of things, what then can we say about its origin?

    Consciousness comes after language!

    The implications of such a position are extremely serious...,

  4. So when religions say that the Creator said, "I AM" and then all of creation came into being - it should be taken literaly?

  5. How dare I even consider speaking in terms of "creation". However, for us killer apes, the answer is a resounding YES!!!

    Get you a copy of Julian Jaynes magne and let him him treat you to a colossal noodle bake...,
