Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is why I can't get with the whole philosophy of being the victim.
If I had a battle, I could get a bodyguard.
But then the dynamics of the relationship would make me the Beeotch.

Or If I were the equal of those around me (having done all of the work and meeting the qualifications) - the dynamics of this relationship would dictate that...
I just have have a tough squad.

(The choices in dealing with our problems comes down to these two - "Be the B****" or "Be the Man")


  1. Perhaps, I misunderstand your post, but it almost sounds like you're saying if one enlists the assistance of others they are a "Beeotch".

    If you are saying that, this is not a smart philosophy and seems counter to many of the other things you advocate in you blog.

  2. Nope, what I'm saying is that if we want to work together to make things better - we should approach the tasks as equals (not as the beeotch, begging for help).

  3. Often times, more often than not, you are not equal, in some aspects, to the one you are soliciting help from. If you were all that, you wouldn't need the help. As long as both parties are respectful, that should be the measure.

    Frankly, unless you are part of the establishment, you may frequently find yourself, in fact, begging others to let you play in their game. Your duty is to be well prepared to deliver and parlay it into a position of independence so you don't have to be somebody's bitch. Being too prideful will get you fucked - I know this first hand.

  4. @ DPizz - Nope, it just means that you need help in THAT area.
    Kind of like asking someone to to get your man after a pick.
    You're still at the same level - just needed to yell "pick".

    But if someone was on the court as a scrub (and they kept getting burned) - they'd just be a scrub.
