Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Does religion equal science, and science equal religion.
Or, are science and religion the same thing?
Is science our attempt to get back to true religion?

Check out TED's research into areas that were once seen (or imagined) as belonging solely in the realm of science fiction movies.
Their Sixth Sense project looks like something from The Minority Report.

But what happens when one grows tired of all the gesticulations?
Could we implant some sort of micro-chip into one's pineal gland to replace all of these hand motions?
(In many lizards, this gland registers light and regulates body temperature.)

The Phillips HITAG S 2048 chip is already on the market. Could these chips (used in such a way) be the prophetical Mark of the Beast?

And since some say that the Garden story is an allegory for the invention of audible language - could it also be the time when our pineal eye stopped working?
And is the placing of such chips in our brains an attempt to sneak back into the Garden?


  1. If true religion is in fact TRUE, then it would have answers for, explanations of, or agree with, science.

    When the two don't agree than why do we not simply decide that we either don't understand the science, or simply have the wrong religion?

  2. @ brohammas - Yeah, I'm kind of interested in the original intentions of the original writers (sans all of the latter dogma).
    IMO - Science is just an attempt to translate TRUE religion into terms that humans can understand.
