Tuesday, March 10, 2009


No, not this guy.
If the Mac Man would have defrauded thousands of people of billions of dollars - they would have dug up his body to put it in jail.
But the financial geniuses at MSNBC seem to be on a roll these days. (I guess Rick Stantelli's 15 minutes are up.)
I can understand confusing Freddie Mac with Bernie Mac.
Or Sallie Mae with Ellie Mae.
But Bernie Mac with Bernie Madoff?

Could be that Mr Madoff will be having a lot of salad for dinner?

Mr. Madoff had a nice little hustle - swindle (the newly updated) 64.8 billion dollars from thousands of financial experts and "smart" people.

When the 11 expected criminal counts are read this Thursday,
Mr. Madoff's expected punishment could be;
- 150 years in prison
- Mandatory restitution
- Forfeiture of all ill gotten gains (I'll get back to this later)
- And criminal fines
Bernie's total monetary liability could be close to $170 bn (the total amount of financial damage caused by the fraud).

But the real hustler might be Bernie's wife Ruth.
I can see the wife of a drug dealing Pookie thinking that she can hide 100k in her sister's mattress. Or putting a beauty shop in her sister's name. Or parking a car in her cousin's garage.
But how does one hide a $17 million apartment and $45 million in cash and other assets?
How can she claim 60-70 million dollars in assets... separate from the money her husband stole over a twenty year period.
It's not like she saved that amount from the change from the weekly grocery bill.
No one is that thrifty.

Maybe Madoff will get some hard time - not some country club vacation.
I can just see it now..."Tiny, meet Bernie",
Then Tiny says, "Bernie, (like those you've swindled), you're now FUCT!"


  1. Probably won't happen. More than likely he will go to one of those luxury, minimum security places that most of the white collar hoodsters go to. The whole concept of treating white collar criminals differently from other criminals is some straight bulllshit anyway.

    Also, CNBC is the financial channel, not MSNBC, but your friend Ed would say it's all the same anyway.

  2. Dpizz is right...crime is crime no matter what color your collar is and though he probably wont he should got locked way far away. Here is where My President and i part ways, you are right if he were black he would be put under the jail.

  3. That's some hilarious shit you said in the opening lol. But I tell you he's old white money. The fact that he's got BILLIONS hostage, literally, I highly doubt he'll serve a day in jail. The fact that he's coppin to it is automatic reduced sentence. He's like 70 years old as well. He's not a violent criminal. The jails are packed. I'm sayin all this shit because that's the arguments the lawyers will use to get his 150 years down to under 5 or less.

  4. Bernie Madoff might be wishing he was Bernie Mack in a minute. And I thought the same thing about the wife - where does she think she's going to go with all of that loot? SMH - I'll understand that.
