Monday, February 2, 2009

Fill Your Tanks

Gas is cheap... for now.
But as I'm typing this, many in the Gulf petroleum industry are in day-to-day talks regarding a strike.
And you know unions, one has to back the other.
In this case, it's mainly a United Steel Worker's beef.
But other unions will probably support any strike called by the USW.
If a hurricane can cause prices to rise - what will a strike in an area that produces 20% of the country's fuel do?

Just a quick heads-up.
Keep your gas tanks full.


  1. Definitely going to fill up tomorrow. I knew something was going to come up to raise the prices. Now that demand is through the floor the only thing that can bring them up is war or a strike. I guess I'm happier with the strike.

  2. i read an article in the SF Chronicle i believe that stated that chevron was posting record breaking profits for 08,,, WTF??? how is that when we were paying top dollar because they were being so much charged for fuel oil???

    i say we go with the hustle.. i will have to get started thinking about what mine should be....
