Monday, February 2, 2009

Don't Beg

Times are tough - but so are we.
I was checking out ed at D&H. And he gave me an idea.
Since many of us have been through hard times (or are in the middle of hard times) - why not create a source of information that helps people deal with their troubles.

FreeMan of FreeMan Press is starting a series about The Hustle.
Many people view "Hustlers" (no, not the Midnight Cowboy type) as one not able to hold a steady job.
But view celebrities as gods.
Besides the rate of pay, what's the difference?

What do celebrities do to market their brand (themselves) and diversify?
Even cable network celebrities create a brand from their knowledge or skill.
And then they licence trinkets with their name on it to sell at WalMart.

Since the experts failed so miserably on Wall Street by inventing instruments to make money based on usury (and then selling the idea that their economic model was sustainable) -
How can you use your knowledge of the true economy to help someone else (and at a price)?

What I'm asking is; What do you know (or can you do) , that you can sell?
You know, simple stuff like; How to make $1200-$1500 a week in tips bartending, but still being able to qualify for housing, medicare and other government benefits based on your minuscule paycheck. (Okay, that's illegal, but you get the idea.)
What's the Hustle that you've "heard of"?
Since experts made (and lost) trillions based on a false economy -
Maybe it's time for experts of the Real Economy to cash in.


  1. UBJ - starting tomorrow check out the FreeMan Press as let out the alter ego PaperBoy and start breaking down hustles that we can do right now to make money. So every TWTH on the FreeMan Press. So I heard your call homie and I had them in the database so let me know what you think.

  2. Good.
    A "Poverty Consulting Center" that knows how to get by in a bad economy should be a lot of help to many.
    Simple stuff like;
    -Just because one can afford to buy it - that does not mean that they can afford to maintain and keep it.
    -Buy the best classic clothes you can afford in the off season.
    -Eliminate your waste to see what you're working with.

    As I wrote about earlier, I started over from scratch. It's suprising to see how little one can get by with and still have a lot of what they want.

  3. I've long left the corporate world and survived quite well. My freinds of the major companies I worked for told me I was crazy to leave. Now most of them have been let go and I get calls from them asking will I be willing to hire them. I saw the writing on the wall years ago that this crazy economy couldn't sustain itself as is and created very small business that allow me to start fresh and enjoy life. I now work from home. Looking out over Lake Michigan conducting business over the phone or online. I even created a website called HustleFilms and found others who are doing more than just surving in arts in music but are thriving even in these weird times.
