Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Info-Wars has an article about Barack Obama's ascension being more than the American Dream.

I've read people stating that Obama won because he is half-white.

But this is getting a little beyond my desire for comprehension.

Add to all of this the whole Bloodline mythology of the Carolingians and Merovingians (seen as both (or either) Christ and Anti-Christ connections) and we have a whole bunch of misinformation mingled with disinformation.


  1. we are all related somewhere along the line be it Lucy or Adam/Eve.

  2. i am so over all this color shit... lets see some politics.. talk some policy... make some changes... who cares what color he is or he is not he is still a politician,, and that has always been a red flag for me....

  3. @ Raw Dawg - Yea... but as brohammas says... .

    @ brohammas - Yep!

    @ Paisley - Agreed.

  4. Did you see him dancing? He IS White. And I'm not sure about his wife either. Maybe they are impostors.

  5. @ SjP - Unfotunately, the link stopped working. (RunningMom has one on her spot that still works)

    "...and the point is what?"
    Yea... THAT was my question.
