Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Are You Gay ?

I've discussed the topic of California's Prop.8 earlier and came to no conclusion.
Many people say that being gay is a choice while others say that it a disease.
My question is - IS being gay a natural occurring phenomenon.

Hermaphrodites are formed when two potentially non-identical twins fail to develop into two separate beings. In the case of the above photo, both male and female genitalia are visible. There are around 500 documented cases of Hermaphrodism around the world. (In the US, less than 40). Jamie Lee Curtis is widely rumored (unsupported) to have been a hermaphrodite.

Chimerism (not the Hermaphrodic type) is a case of two sets of DNA failing to form two beings but maintaining the characteristics of either male or female.

In each anomalous case, the traits are not generally seen as a choice or disease, but a condition of being.
Is homosexuality just a case of very mild Chimerism. Is it a variance on the chromosomal level that occurs naturally?


  1. Wow, UBJ that's quite a photograph.

    I have heard so gay people say that they were born that way (so maybe that's the mild Chimerism) and I have also heard some say that they were molested a child and somehow that lead them to homosexuality (which I find curious)

    Either way, they are what they are and should be embraced, accepted and loves as children of God but I don't think they should be allowed to change the definition of marriage or forced the church to marry them. They are just being bullies in that regard.

  2. Pervasive non-human homosexual behavior affords sufficient proof IMOHO - to conclude that homosexuality has a decidedly biological basis.

  3. I don't really have an answer to your question. My sister tells me all the time that I am not gay, I just like having sex with men. I hate shopping,decorating,and brand name clothing. true i don't like sports but that is more so because my coordination for such things usually leaves me flat on my face. I have on recently started watching what i eat because I am getting older and some foods are starting to turn on me.

    But I know I like em big and sturdy, usually bald (but not necessary) and hairy. I guess if I met a woman like that I might be attracted to her sexually (probably not). In fact i have never been with a woman in that way before and before anyone ask that eternal question you have never been with a man but you know it does not float your boat right?

    I also have a old castmate who was born both sexes and they made her a boy. She grew up feeling like a girl so when she was old enough she had a sex change to a woman. Then she became a lesbian. Yeah I know. But gay and lesbian is not about trying to be a different gender ( I have never wanted to be a woman though I admit I have screamed like one once or twice before) it is all about attraction and what moves you.

    So in closing I have to think it is just a natural thing. My attraction to John Amos came long before my desire for sex or without even really knowing what sex was.

  4. I wrote a similar post on this subject that I don't think anyone read.. lol - maybe I will repost it.

  5. You may or may not be born with certain traits or desires, but you ALWAYS have a choice as to how you act.

    Engaging in any sort of sexual act (outside of rape or molestation)is always a choice. We shouldn't forget this.

  6. I haven't been to your blog for while, but is seems you have maintained any interesting mix of topics.

    As to this gay question again, I don't think it really matters and people need to stay out other mofo's personal bidness that does not affect them! People should please stop trying to impose your religious views on public policy. There is supposed to be separation of Church and State in this country, yet political groups, parties, and legislation are routinely organized around religious beliefs. If you want to believe everything that was written in a book by fallible men, also with religious and political agendas, hundreds or thousands of years ago, which has been changed, edited, whole books omitted by the Church, or believe that a dude found some golden plates in Utah, then that's on you. Just keep your Bible-banging, Koran, Book of Mormon or whatever and your values to your fuckin self.

    I would have to admit that long ago I would have to say that I was a hater. I didn't understand Gay and Les, and, as often occurs where there is ignorance, I disapproved and despised their lifestyle. It wasn't until I worked in an industry that employs a lot of Gay folks that I came to realize that they were, astoundingly...... just people like myself that had a different sexual preference that did not impact me at all (except for the holes in the bathroom partitions in some of the company bathrooms - this is really true), hardly a reason for hating or condemning them.

    My Brother has an interesting take on the natural or choice question that makes a lot of sense to me. One of his thoughts is as follows: If you are a heterosexual male, then it is very likely that the idea of being with another man sexually is quite repulsive (I know that even when I used to watch HBO's Six Feet Under, some of the Gay sex scenes - which were not even really graphic - and even sometimes just the depiction of intimacy between two men, made me physically uncomfortable and it was hard to watch.); therefore, the postulation that someone chooses to do something that they feel physically repulsed by simply does not seem likely. I personally couldn't CHOOSE to be Gay. I simply don't think I could be with another man without throwing up. It is far more likely that being Gay is simply the way Gays feel naturally. To think that one could casually defy one of the most powerful human drives, the human sexual drive, and simply choose the other direction, does not make sense to me, not to mention that you would also be choosing to be discriminated against, shunned by some, ostracized by the religious, etc., etc.

    UglyJohn, if you are still getting the International Male catalog, it's okay man. When you get back to California, you can come out and it will be okay.

  7. while trying earn a college degree I a social studies class and with the promise of withholding their names and personal information I talked with 24 gay men that became 14.all said they new they were gay at age 5 to 11 years old.after much soft pressure 6 discovered uncle Johnny or guy in restroom they were chosen because uncle J or restroom boy told them they were gay?the gay men told these minor they were gay that why they wanted sex.the gays were telling boys they were gay.
