Monday, November 24, 2008

Cool Places

RunningMom -"Dubai is a cool place to visit."
I think that it would be.
I know that Thanksgiving is this week but you've made me think of some of my regrets.
When I used to tend bar in Cali', I was asked to travel to the Far East and do some training and managing for a friend's parents' string of hotels and resorts. I declined but now I regret the decision.
My grandparents traveled to Africa, the Middle-East, the Caribbean, and Europe - always asking me to go with them. I always declined in favor of "doing nothing" during the long summer months in Cali'.
The three places that I'd like to visit are;

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Lots of money enables this small country to spend lots of money on ambitious projects
Shanghai, China - I saw the architecture in the movie Ultraviolet. It looks like a cool place to visit
Kuala Lampur, Malaysia - The Petronas Towers were always impressive to me.
What about you?
Where would you like to visit (or return).

1 comment:

  1. :)

    There are lots of places I want to go. I want to go to Spain, Greece, Germany, New Zealand, Bora Bora, Ireland.

    I have a problem with leaving home and familiar surroundings. I think that's why I don't travel much.

    I should do it anyway.
