Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now What?

It seems that Barack Obama will succeed in his bid to turn America's history of "not one of us" on it's ear. In the supposed racial hierarchy, Obama has become that anomaly that becomes a catalyst for change.

Now what?
If Obama wins;
Will your children's grades and understanding improve?
Will your mortgage be paid?
Will your job be secure?
Will all people view others with mutual respect, honesty and trust? (Not tolerance - I tolerate my hemorrhoids, but I still try to get rid of them.)
Will all genders, races, ethnic groups and cultures be accepted as equals?
Will America recover from our economic and social morass and regain a leadership role in innovation, production and exports?
Will you take responsibility for yourself?

So, what is different? What has changed?
The answer is: nothing.
Those who think that everything is somehow now different will be as disappointed as a child who expects a PlayStation3 at Christmas but ends up getting socks and underwear.
Sorry but Obama is not Santa Clause. Was Santa Clause Black? (He was at my house. Ask my dad.)
Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, the power to make a change has always been in each (or all) of us.

If Obama wins, he will have beaten; Hillary (and Bill) Clinton, John McCain and Sarah Palin, Stormfront, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Micheal Savage, Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck, racism, lies, hyperbole, conjecture, rumors and opinion. He will have beaten a system that dictates the rules that most of us live by.
He will have beaten history.

My question is; Now What?

(Photo - Obama in Defiance to America's Fixation With Social and Racial Darwinism)

1 comment:

  1. To quote my favorite President Jeb Bartlett "Breaks Over!"

    Now it is time for the real work to begin.......
