Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Gotta' Throw Up!

I gotta' throw up.
I'm just getting over being nervous.
I was supposed to go to an election party with this small town's Black social elite. Instead I baby sat a blind elderly lady (about 90 years old and a daughter of a sharecropper). She can't see the graphics but she can hear the projections. She asks questions every minute and wants to know every detail. She is arguing with her grandchildren, stating that the newscasters are playing a trick on Black people so that they don't go out to vote. Every query is finished with "John, is that true". "Yes ma'am", I respond to most. She says that she never thought about a Black President. It was never going to happen "so why think about it", she says.
As Obama is giving his victory speech, she is finally coming to the realization that the newscasters are not lying. Still every statement is finished with "John, is that true?". "Yes, ma'am", I reply.

Her grandchildren are talking about not going to work tomorrow. "Why are all those white people there", I overhear.
(America is;
13% Black
13% Hispanic/Latino
6% Asian and "other".
Obama's minority support averaged 70%.
70% of 30% isn't enough to win an election.
More whites voted FOR Obama than all of the minorities combined.
Obama created a true coalition of the willing.)
These hood-rats are hating on the Obama children's clothes.
These women are asking why Oprah is there (even though Oprah was berated for having Obama announce his candidacy on her show.)
These women remind me of the woman on YouTube stating that she wouldn't have to worry about her gas or mortgage if Obama were elected (Although the YouTube woman could have meant that she wouldn't have to worry about being able to pay those bills.)
To large parts of our population, the Obama Presidency won't make any difference. These people will be disappointed that Obama didn't pay their bills personally.

Yes, I know this card is old. But this is how I feel. Yes We Can? Yes We Did!

"That One" has won!

Can I see a little of myself in Obama? Yes. I'm also multi-racial (Dad - Creole from Church Point, Louisiana / Mom - Mexican and Modoc and Klamath Native American) I'm often the first or only Black in every job, sport (Water Polo and Swimming. Don't hate. I was the ish!) or social situation. Did I believe the "Twice as Good" maxim? Naah, not really. But I practiced it. Did I often feel as though the opportunity for the next Black guy would depend on my performance? Yes. Do I try to elevate the race (well, really all races) at great cost to myself? Yes. Am I on the verge of tears? Yes. (But I still gotta' throw up)

McCain 158 - Barack Hussein Obama 338. Barack Obama DIDN'T win. WE did!


  1. UBJ, this has been an absolutely exhilarating emotional night. At least you could identify what you needed to do. I was so moved that I didn't know what to do!

    This is such a moment in time to be alive and involved. "President-elect Barack Obama," doesn't that just vibrate in your head. My Lord.

  2. What's up with the picture of the puke??? ha ha ha ha.

  3. UBJ, you are THE BEST! How sweet are you to babysit a blind lady and reassure her that yes, it's true and no, hell didn't freeze over. I loved this post and I don't care if it's old either:


    Did you feel better after you threw up?

  4. If by creole you mean "high-yalla" - then good morning my genuine Blaxican brother!!!! It's a small but genetically promiscuous club destined for greatness and hemispheric domination.

  5. LOL, UBJ-- I'm sorry you had such a harrowing night. Lawd...I hope there aren't too many of the people you described still among us. But we have a Black President! It's a done deal in spite of my loud cries of opposition. I'm on the train now. Woot, Woot.....

  6. Sheila - I'm still in a state of shock.

    Ojo - My real puke was worse but I didn't want to make anyone ill.

    runningmom - Nope!

    cnulan - Yes, that's what I meat. (What are you doing down here in the hood?)

    cbw - While people like you and myself are on the train, many will be left at the station wondering what happened.
