Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why so angry?

You know, I miss when I used to work at Friday's and would get off from work and have little arguments/discussions/debates with ErickA and Danny and have everyone else put their two cents in. I still owe ErickA a retort from two years ago on gay marriage. I miss how integrated the place was and not having race determine who ones friends were. I wish that I could actually get feedback on ideas and not hate mail. I guess people get upset when one points out their shortcomings.
How do people find my e-mail address? Why don't they just post their comments?
I've gotten mail asking me why I'm so down on the Black race or why am I so angry. The thing is, I'm not down on the Black race, I am disappointed in the prevailing Black popular culture. Is it a rapper's fault that if he makes a video that looks like an R-rated movie and that video gets shown at a time when children are watching? No. Most rap videos should be shown after the "family-hour". The rappers know that their videos contain adult content, the music networks know that these videos should be shown at a later time but kids buy music and they have to sell to their audience.
I guess I am a bit upset with people who fail to adapt, even when it is in there best interests. My main point is this; everyone who wants equal authority-needs to have equal accountability and understand the responsibility that goes with that authority. Hold EVERYONE accountable on the SAME level without blaming others for your situation.
Do I think my views are popular? Maybe with a Klansman. The problem with this thinking is that racist people hate me more than they do the stereotypical "ghetto" black. The "ghetto Black" is just proving all of the stereotypes to be true. I'm kind-of like Jessie Owens to Hitler in the Olympics.
I'm not trying to tear any race down. My goal is to build-up all people. Frederick Douglas said; " I will join with anybody to do good but nobody to do bad." I'm just telling it like I see it but I feel
like Casandra from Greek mythology.
Believe it or not , I hadn't intended for race to be so prevalent in this blog. Being in Texas you're inundated with race. Crime...Black and Latinos . Oppression... the "Blame-Whitey" chants start. Like Rodney King said; "Can't we all just get along?"
Actually we can't. Not until we respect (not just tolerate) each other.
Goodnight, UBJ


  1. I work in an integrated place and do enjoy that quality. But it's funny, I am sort of coming from a different culture, and that difference seems to put a barrier between me and my co-workers no matter what color they are.

  2. Different perspective same problem. Most people tend to focus on the proplem and not the answers. I hope it gets better for you or that you find a better place.
