Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Racist Blacks ?

Can Black people be racist? Several prominent Black leaders say no. They say that Blacks don't have the financial authority or resources to be racist.
I live in a 100% Black neighborhood. One day a lawyer inquired about purchasing a lot on which to build a house. She explained that her husband was also a lawyer and that he would come later to finalize the deal. The (Black) wife and her (White) husband came to talk to the owners of the property. Upon seeing that a White person wanted to move into our neighborhood, the offer was rejected. This is a true story. The owners and neighbors told me about the details of the situation. When I told them that they were racists, they replied; "So what, they've been doing it to us for years." I just said; "What are you...5? You sound like children who use the excuse- 'He hit me first' ". So yes, using the rules put forth by Spike Lee and others, Blacks can be racist.
There are many things that Blacks do that if Whites did the Whites would be called racists.
I know you've heard this all before:
BET - Black Entertainment (One can't have White Entertainment)
Ebony- (One can't have Ivory and gear it towards whites)
Black this ,Black that-Enterprise,Voices,Miss Black America, etc.
The "Tom Joiner Show" is quick to call someone racist. If you replaced the hosts with White hosts and put Black wherever they state White (in their routines)- Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Louis Farrakahn and every other self-serving polemic would be out in force.
We all need to grow a thicker skin and take responsibility for our words and actions.
By comparing ourselves to the worst we become the comfortable in our own ineptitude.
Like the child in "The Emperors' New Clothes" learned- the truth is the truth.

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