Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I Hate Duke

 Back in the day, I was a fan of the UNLV Running Rebels and the Georgetown Hoyas - Duke beat them both.

Duke is a school and team that's easy for a suburban Black kid to hate.
Okay. maybe 'resent' would be a better word.
'Envy' might even be the most accurate word.
Privileged kids going to an elite school who still manage to win?
It's easy to envy/resent/hate such kids which makes them easy to scapegoat.

After the circus of the rape hoax had died down, one of the accused made a statement about the broken judicial system and how that if even he and his equally 'privileged' teammates could be treated so poorly (even with all their money, resources, and whiteness), it must be even worse for poor urban kids who are wrongly accused.

The takeaway should not have been that white dudes are victims of an overly aggressive PC culture but that everyone is a victim of an unjust and inequitable judicial and enforcement system.

Which leads us to Bush/Obama and the abuse of policies which were the result of the Patriot Act.

I also hate Trump.
No, I don't resent nor envy him - I'm just not a fan.
And, no - not because of his wealth, his pretty wife (Don't Hate, she's not an ugly woman.) nor his fame.
I don't like the guy because he is a Last Man or even a Superfluous Man who is pretending to be an Uber Man (Ubermensch).

Did Trump actively seek to influence the last election in his favor in an illegal manner - probably not.
Is he an idiot for complaining about even the smallest slight on social media like a middle school girl - yes, it's indecorous, as POTUS it should all be beneath him.

His whole 'What about Hillary' and 'Obama did it too' are childish responses to adult problems.
Why can't he just take his licks like a man and go through the process the way the Duke 3 did?
Why can't he focus on how his predecessors abused and expanded their surveillance powers to the point that even a sitting POTUS (and those around him) can be harassed by those who are working for the Cathedral?

* Trump and his team will probably all end up going down for tax evasion or money laundering as a result of the Mueller investigation, and not any sort of collusion with Russia.
I just hope that before he goes that he will draw attention to and make changes to the way no one truly has any right to privacy.

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