Monday, December 11, 2017

Storm Fanboy

 Ororo Munroe (Storm) is best know for being part of the X-Men franchise.
 But Storm has also been a member of the Fantastic Four,
 And the Avengers.

Storm has been married to Black Panther and a member of all three of Marvel's 'Big Three' yet, in movies, she is treated like the superhero version of Dennis Rodman.

 She has battled the Silver Surfer,

And has beaten Wonder Woman - yet she is still used as as mere sidekick.

Cited as a possible 'Omega Level Mutant' - for some reason she fails to develop and use her abilities to their ultimate potential.

Fox superhero movies pretty much suck and they have a lock on my two favorite superbeings (Storm and Silver Surfer).
If a movie, comic book series or animated series were to be developed in which the Surfer took Storm on a spiritual journey across the cosmos in order to learn the deontological ethics required to attain and harness her almost-unlimited abilities - THAT would be my movie.
If The Watchmen, Deadpool and Dr Strange can be developed into relatable characters, why not the Surfer and Storm?

Sure, it could be boring AF but Storm needs study from one who has seen it all and who has become jaded by his many travels and experiences.
Maybe they could even be seen zooming past Dr Manhattan (In a nod to DC) as he is creating another new world.

Halle Berry was terrible (Too lightweight and vapid.) And Alexandra Shipp was too inexperienced.
Give me a movie with an attractive, thoughtful and smart actor and a decent script in which Storm takes her hero's journey and I'm all-in.

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