Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Double Standard

 Trump, Weinstein, Simmons, Lauher,.... and many others are in the entertainment industry where drinking, drugs and parties are common.
Maybe they're just used to being surrounded by party girls who willingly offer up the panocha just to say that they did.

Women who drink too much and then run up on a brotha'.
Women who'll grab a handful of meat as they drunkenly rub ones muscles.
Sure, they may say that they regret it later - even if they initiated the conversation and physical activity.
(And I'm not including situations when men aggressively force themselves upon women. To be honest, I won't even be alone with a woman who is obviously drunk.)

Believe it or not - NOT ALL WOMEN ARE FEMINISTS.
There are hoards of women who brag about the men they've bedded.
Are these women sluts?

Guys who sleep around are often viewed as being dominant, studs, a man's man.
Women who sleep around are thought of as being whores.
Is there a double-standard?

I had a conversation with a cousin who found out that her ex had been with other men.
'He's gay', I said.
'What about women who have been with other women?', she asked.
'They were just 'experimenting'. There's a double-standard.', I replied.

Is this fair?
Sure, why not.
If one knows the rules of the game then they cannot complain later that they lost playing by the agreed upon rules.

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