Monday, November 6, 2017

Corrupt Kids

Recently, I was on SeeNew's page and noticed this Musical Chairs video used to illustrate a point.
Silly childhood games.
Or are they?

As I watched the video I was reminded of my old techniques.
I'd 'cheat'.
See the biggest kid in the video?
The one who seems to be taking over?
This would be my target.

Usually the strong overestimate the value of strength and they fail to defend.
I'd play behind this kid in an attempt to take him out of the game early.
This kid would often assume that because he was bigger and stronger that he could take the seat away from anyone in front of him - most of the time, he was right.
While he was constantly battling what was in front of him, I'd attempt to slide into the seat that was open right behind him but would also slide right under him if he attempted to retreat back if the seat in front of him was taken.

Or we'd team-up to eliminate people we didn't like.

I'd curry favor with the other kids after having eliminated the biggest threat so any subsequent ties would be awarded to me based on the voting of those already eliminated.

It seemed that most of my teachers offered rewards for doing well.
I'd acquire, save and trade these prizes to get what I wanted.
I had boxes of won school supplies and toys in my cubbyhole. I'd have earned credits for pizza days, McDonald's lunches, and ice cream coupons.
I'd use these prizes (or the possibility of sharing these prizes) as bribes to get what I wanted.

I wasn't the best at anything but I was pretty good in everything.
I'd use friendships to create enemies and I'd use enemies to create allies.
I don't recall being popular - it was just that all my friends were the most popular.
Maybe I was just popular-adjacent?
Maybe it was my ability to just walk away from people and perceived status that made the popular kids want to hang out with me. I don't know, I still can't figure out why people still view me as one to be around.

The main club just had our relaunch this past weekend. Sections and bottles were presold, people were turned away, the concerts went off without a hitch, politicians and VIPs were catered to and money was made.

The thing is: I still use many of the same skills from childhood games in my adult life.
I still manipulate, feign weakness, use popularity as a weapon, and 'cheat' and 'bribe' to get what I want.
Maybe those childhood games weren't so silly after all.
Maybe those games were intended to teach us normative adult business behaviors.

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