Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Let's Take It Back

Okay, not that far back.
(But I guess it still works)

Still a little too far. (Abdul-Rauf)

 Okay, let's start here:
Obama was criticized for not saluting the flag during a campaign stop.

But Trump would end up getting caught in a similar position.

Sometime in between and for different reasons, both Keapernick and Tebow were criticized for kneeling.

Seventy percent of the players in the NFL are Black.
Counting those who remained in tunnels or the locker rooms only twenty-three percent of players (of any race) took part in Sunday's demonstration.

Trump talked trash about Steph Curry and NFL players so NASCAR proved how patriotic they are.
(Notice that half of those in the photo are standing in a position similar to Obama's.)

Then, on Monday Night Football, Jerry Jones' Solomon-like compromise angered and pleased both sides.

I guess Trump intends to focus on sports instead of real issues - both foreign and domestic.

1 comment:

  1. None of this should be a surprise to anyone. Nothing is new about anyone, or any event... except maybe the magnitude of the storms that Trump is ignoring. I guess one hurricane reaction to beat Bush's is enough. No need to respond to the other one?
