Friday, September 15, 2017

I Can Hear Alex Jones Now...

As many in the South suffer from the affects of their respective hurricanes - the current focus moves to providing temporary housing for those who have lost homes or those who have been evicted from apartments because of water damage and/or mold.

A recent 'solution' has been rejected.
The idea was to have large residential barges placed in the gulf to house those who are left without shelter.
The problem is that these 'Prison Barges' failed to pass the necessary Coast Guard safety inspections.

We live near a large prison complex.
Some of these buildings are no longer used to house inmates so some in the community suggested that these should be converted into housing.
I could just see it now - some 'woke' brotha' or some Alex Jones follower would start a social media meme that described the 'solution' as being some type of prison camp for the poor and/or minorities.
And that these buildings are in need of repairs, maintenance, staffing and supplies.

Most people remember the shoddy FEMA trailers from hurricanes past.
These structures were built so quickly and cheaply that they would often fall apart.
And then there was the formaldehyde problem which caused many to become ill.

The tent/tent city 'solution' implemented after Hurricane Sandy caused many inhabitants to complain of feeling as though they were living in a consentration camp.

In areas affected by these storms the problems with any solution are manifold and complex.
Maybe the government can't solve all of it's citizens problems after all.

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