Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Reality Culture

'To whomever much is given, of him will much be required ; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.' or so says the Word.

Who has benefited from Trump's election?
1. The Rich (I wouldn't know, my taxes are still same.)
2. Stephen Colbert (He has made a career off of Trump's follies.)
3. Twitter.

But Twitter is a double-edged sword and Louise Linton has learned the hard way.
The Treasury Secretary's (Steve Mnuchin) wife felt it was appropriate to name-drop luxury brands while disembarking a publicly funded plane - and boy did Twitter let her have it.
And what made the since-deleted post worse was that she took the time to reply to those who criticized her.
Whatever happened to quietly and humbly enjoying one's wealth without having to brag about it?

A little over a decade ago, the beast that is Star Jones felt the wrath of the public when she turned her wedding into a promotional opportunity.
People felt that any respectable being would think that such commercialization was cheap, tawdry, déclassé.. even 'ghetto'.

These days, things have changed.

I blame the Kardashian/Jenner clan.
The K/J women are so cold that one of their men decided to become one of the women.

Have a sex tape? No problem - it only makes you more desirable.
Marry a crackhead? Milk the situation for sympathy which makes you more desirable.
Prance around like an underage sylph? Don't worry, men will wait until you're 18 so that they can legally comment on your hotness in public.
Date/marry a Black guy? Don't worry, that was the taboo of your parent's generation. (And much of the reason behind the whole 'Make America White Again' movement.)
Your husband becomes your ex-wife? No problem just get butt implants to mimic your son's baby-mama.

The only reality stars bigger than Trump are the K/Js.
Sure, Trump likes to boast but the K/Js have turned it into a successful business model.
Maybe Ms Linton wanted to jump on the reality train.
Maybe she assumed that she could cash in.
I don't know. Maybe the times are a-changin'.

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