Monday, August 14, 2017

Participation Trophyitis

 Trump is correct when he states that racism and violence didn't begin with him, that it didn't begin with Obama.
Sure, Trump used the hopes of the oppressed to his advantage but what politician hasn't?

I knew it was bad - I just didn't know that it was this bad.

I have a diverse group of friends (My facebook page looks like the cast of a Fast and Furious movie.) and ones race has never been an issue in group dynamics.
Everyone is good enough in enough things so stereotypes are often disproved.
Everyone works hard and everyone has 'game'.
I don't think I even know any shrubs.
While everyone may excel in different areas there is a minimum expectation in all things.
We don't always get along but I think everyone still respects everyone else.

I don't think I know anyone who believes in the Trophy for Nothing ideology.
Feelings? Please.
You won - don't gloat.
You lost - get over it.
While cheating is not an option, taking advantage of given circumstances (as long as it's not dishonorable) seems to be okay.
I think I may have been sheltered from the real world by my circumstances.

But back to the oppressed white dudes.
I get it - I understand.
Your life is average while you're deluged with images in the media highlighting lives of Blacks who are doing better than you, who have more money, live in better homes and drive better cars.
Your tech job is being overrun by non-white bosses from Asia and you still can't get that girl because she favors the dominant male in every aspect of your life.
Women have the nerve to rebut your opinions and they don't accept your alt.facts as being canonical.
And now even those in the LGBTQ community are coming out and they're doing better than you as well?

It must be all this affirmative action - there is just no other way to explain how you and your life could just be 'average'.
Surely, if what you've been taught about genetic superiority were true you alone should be better reaping the benefits of all this country has to offer.
And you would be in your rightful place if only every non-WASP knew his place and served your marginally productive ass in accordance with Darwin.
Everyone is your enemy and you're now the victim of an orchestrated effort by inferior groups to treat you like an equal with no head start or predetermined advantages.

Did I get that right?
Who cares?

You're coddling mothers should have pulled you from that little league that didn't want to keep score.
Your dad should have never let you play soccer where everyone received a participation trophy.
You should have gone to a more diverse school where you would have learned to deal with a more diverse world.

But I cannot understand the rationality of some within these groups.
If Blacks should get over slavery, Jim Cr racism - why do these groups hold onto imagery from wars lost over dissent in The South and Nazism?
If they lost shouldn't they just get over it?
How do they worship Jewish person of color?
Why do they constantly claim that 'we' created everything good and are genetically superior but they themselves cannot overcome an environment where no one is given an advantage?

1 comment:

  1. participation trophies combined with this idea that we really live in a meritocracy.
    These white guys think they have earned more than they are getting. They don't think black people are getting more than they deserve (unless it is a bullet then they deserve it), and they extend this idea back through history.
