Thursday, August 24, 2017

Give Trump Some Credit

 Some like to claim that Trump has yet to accomplish anything in his short time in office.
Oh but au contraire mon frère....

Trump has continued the stock market gains of Obama's tenure.

Since Trump announced his intention to run for the Presidency - two (TWO!) Black women have won the Miss USA Pageant.
In the sixty-five years of the pageant's existence there have only been ten Black women to wear the crown and twenty percent have served since Trump's announcement of his intended presidential run. 

Trump has made hate groups so confident that it has become easier to dox their members. 

Illegal immigration has fallen.

The 'dump' of a White House has been renovated and repaired.

Civil War monuments are being removed at a record pace.
I guess there are non-racists 'on both sides'.

Tom Brady and his Patriots won their fifth Super Bowl title.
(That didn't happen under Obama.)

Trump has demonstrated that he is willing to eliminate inept cabinet members.

The DOJ investigation of Trump has revealed just how corrupt all of DC is.

Civil Rights era 'leaders' have been exposed as being obsolete and ineffectual. 

And Trump has proven that anyone can grow up to be President.

So how's this for a list of accomplishments?
(It can't be any worse than the one put forth by his supporters.)


  1. .45 stays grabbin'em in the p*ssy....,
