Monday, August 14, 2017

Add Another American Terrorists to the List

Even Trump says that the events in Charlottesville were terrorist acts - in spite of threats from David Duke.
Better late than never but good job Mr Trump.
Way to find your balls and common sense.

The Daily News has been telling it like it is for a while now, without the euphemisms.

Mass shootings by lonely dudes with no game have been a problem way before Trump - even before Obama but there seems to be an uptick in recent years. 
White men have been the overwhelming perpetrators of mass shootings on American soil - even more often than Latinx, Blacks and Muslim men combined.
(And that's not even counting Timothy McVeigh's protest.)

Let's see the events which have transpired since this weekend's events.

Twitter site 'You're a Racist' is outing protesters left and right.
One has been disowned by his family, one has been Kaepernicked from his job, others have tried to backpedal and others are deleting their facebook accounts.
I agree with free speech but there are always consequences to one's actions and 'personal responsibility' is something in which these dudes believe.

 And what's up with Ohio?
Not only does the state have a problem with painkillers they seem to have a problem with attempted killers as well.
And internet doxing ain't to be played with.

Both the guy who ran over Heather Heyer, (with the black Home Depot shield)...

...and one of the guys who beat Deandre Harris are from the state.
Maybe Trump's next big initiative needs to be better Mental Healthcare (without prescribing oxy.).

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