Friday, July 28, 2017


(Scaramucci doing the Carlton)
How bad was Hillary Clinton that Trump was seen as the better option?
This administration is a hot mess with allegations of being shot with hot pee.
No one could even make this shit up.


  1. In a Deep State run, two party one ideology system that had become as whored-out as this has become, ANY alternative is superior to the status quo. Trump has broken the GOP, broken the DNC, and all the king's horsemen and all the king's men, won't be able to put that profoundly dysfuntional mofo back together again...,

  2. Oh, I know.
    That is why Trump was the inevitable conclusion.
    Obama was thought to be the great agent of change but he was too subtle - Trump and this catastrophe are the required catalyst.

  3. I'm still waiting to see what folks are referring to as "catastrophic". Now that Moochie is in effect, things are about to begin happening at thug-like NYC developer speed instead of the glacial DC general schedule pace.

  4. '...thug-like...' is the key.
    Obama was too friendly. That personality works to get elected but he needed to be more gangsta' to have facilitated any real and lasting change.
    If Trump can get over NOT being Obama and just focus on getting things done he would be alright.
    If Trump could just get a 'that was then - this is now' mentality and stop being a victim he'd do much better.
    People seem to be looking for a Daddy but not a weak one.

  5. Protasis - catastasis - CATASTROPHE - epitasis.
    We are currently in the part of the story where all the action takes place.

  6. LOL - Sounding too much like Conservative Feedback?
