Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Superfight? (NSFW)

 I guess it's that time again.
It seems that every generation or so during a time of political and racial unrest there has to be a fight between a Black champion and a white challenger.

 In the age of Trump I guess it's time for another Great White Hope.

 It's odd that many tie their own value to the accomplishments of another.
As if to prove, once and for all, that their race is superior.

I guess people like Bee-Dee and Richard Lynn would point out that white guys have higher IQs.


  1. That's an interesting post John. Personally I was never terribly concerned about the large, black penis thing, because the only mega-cock that I had ever seen was that of Harry Reems in Deep Throat. Back in those days the only way to see a movie was in a theatre or a special screening, usually on some school campus. I never really looked at other guy's dicks that much in the locker room.

    But what I enjoyed about your post was the famous boxing matches. Of course it was Jesse Owens that blew Hitler's fantasy of a master race to smithereens. Obviously the only true master race was that of the descendants of slaves in America.

    The point is that I enjoyed quite a bit of my reading on wikipedia. In particular, the two match-ups of Joe Louis and Max Schmeling. Apparently, Max due to his very canny analysis of Louis' style pulled a stunning defeat in their first match-up. But then, in 1937, Louis gave the German a serious ass-whupping which saw him hospitalized for ten days. I guess that was more American vs. Nazi than black vs. white, although Schmeling did not self-identify as a Nazi.

    Another great boxer that I thought of was, of course, Rocky Marciano. Sure enough, he took on a couple of black challengers in his undefeated career. The most interesting contests again were black vs. white. Y'all black folks being represented by one Ezzard Mack Charles. In his third match with Marciano in 1954, he became the only fighter in history to go the full fifteen rounds with Marciano, losing the decision only on points. In his final re-match with Marciano, he split Rocky's nose pretty much in two.

    I don't doubt that that was a black vs. white match in the mid-1950s. By the time that I started hearing about Mohamed Ali, it was the Ali Jerry Quarry fight. I still remember his bloody face. It's probably not that hard to make a guy bleed if his guard is down. But beyond that, Howard Cosell and the rest of popular culture absolutely adored Ali. By the time George Foreman came along it seemed like it was all over for white guys. The last remaining champions all fell at the hands of superior negroes. Then, of course, came Teofilio Stevenson in the Olympics from Cuba.

    This now brings me back to the racist thing. Surely Sylvester Stallone, noted Viet Nam war supporter and right-wing all-around dickhead used his stardom to promote a fictional battle of the Titans in the boxing ring. It was so popular the made four sequels.

    No negroes in the ring for this picture. The one guy was an Italian-American. (The nerve of that preening son-of-a-bitch to compare himself to Marciano) And of course, the other guy was a super-human Russian.

    Funny shit.

    1. @ FJ - That last photo came across my facebook news feed and I thought it was funny. I just threw it up there because a guy named Bee-Dee stated that Black guys always revert to 'Dicksism' when ever we discuss race.

      The point I was trying to make was that these Race Fights seem to occur whenever the country/world is experiencing some sort of lush back against xenophobia.
