Monday, May 8, 2017

Cock Holster ?

Okay, I used Google to find an image and the results varied.
And I get it - we should respect the office even if we don't respect the man holding it.

Apparently the term 'Cock Holster' has entries in the Urban Dictionary for slang terms as far back as 2003.
I guess Stephen Colbert didn't invent the term.

(And 'Cock Holster' is as homophobic as is 'Ass Kisser'. If you ascribe any homosexual traits to either term you're probably a closeted homophobic-homosexual who tosses his man's salad anyway.)

But let's go back to the time before presidential tweets.
To a time when negative portrayals of those in power were not seen as treasonous or unpatriotic.
To a time when anyone was fair game.
Back to when even those seeking office could be portrayed in less than favorable imagery.

To a time when stereotypes could be exploited to further an opposing agenda.
To a time when the POTUS was expected to have an even temperament and a thick skin.

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